What is Alcohol Breath Testing?
In the state of Texas, if you are pulled over for a suspected DWI, a breath test is one of the evidential methods used to determine if you are operating a motor vehicle under the influence.
A certified Breath Test Operator (BTO) will test a suspect’s breath for the presence of ethanol using a certified Intoxilyzer 9000 instrument. If the test determines that ethanol is present, the suspect may then face DWI charges.
Services Offered for Law Enforcement
Quality Forensic Toxicology, located in San Antonio, currently has three Technical Supervisors (TS) that are trained and licensed by the Office of the Scientific Director (OSD) within the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
Our Technical Supervisors oversee the Intoxilyzer 9000 units that are held by the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO). A TS is a field agent for the OSD, working in their assigned areas to uphold the breath testing program’s regulations and guidelines.
Technical Supervisors are responsible for the maintenance and administration of the Intoxilyzer 9000 instruments. This includes conducting Quality Assurance inspections on the instruments at least once per calendar month and performing maintenance or repairs as needed. They also supervise the Breath Testing Operators in their area and assist them in keeping their training current. TS’s are on call 24/7 to assist with any trouble shooting issues that arises during a breath test as well. In addition to providing both written and verbal testimony, as an expert witness for any breath cases that go to trial, TS’s also are the custodian of all the evidentiary records or results from their instruments.
As a growing local lab who offers this service right here in Bexar County we are fully capable of handling a large number of Intoxilyzer instruments, testifying in court cases, and consulting with you on your pending breath cases.
Please reach out to Quality Toxicology at 210-463-9190 or qftorders@tzs.b72.myftpupload.com if you are interested in seeking any of our alcohol breathing services.
Ready to inquire about our alcohol breath testing services? Contact us by one of the methods below:
We are dedicated to helping law enforcement conduct accurate alcohol breath testing.
The Intoxilyzer 9000

Additional Resources
- Intoxilyzer 9000 brochure.
- Additional information about the Intoxilyzer 9000